Monday, January 23, 2012


so...we cheated and went to fetal fotos on saturday. we couldn't get a super good look, but the guy is 99% sure.  we'll have a pretty good laugh if at 20 weeks we find out otherwise:)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's happening

Junior's comin! Due date's 7-11:) still can't believe it, getting excited!

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Monday, December 5, 2011

an ashland thanksgiving

This year we got to go to Ashland for Thanksgiving and it was SO fun.  I LOVE going to Ashland.  They have the funnest shops, parks, people, weather, etc...  and to top it off, John's parents are AWESOME hosts!

Monday, October 24, 2011


YouTube Video

Dad and Z-man running some plays

YouTube Video

John trying to run some plays:)

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Wunderli family reunion

Every other year the wunderli clan all road-trips down to California for our reunion. They've been doin it for somewhere round 30 years now and we stay in the same exact hotel they did when they started. This trip is kinda all about traditions-we don't like change:)

Here's a recap via iPhone pics:

yeah, she's wearing a hoodie.  it was freezing cold the whole time we were there!

Cousins - so inappropriate

Same place - four years apart:) Can't believe i was ever that blonde!

Rented bikes along the pier

Newport Temple

Boys played some rugby.  seriously got this shot from my iphone - apple should pay me to advertise

We all played some volleyball. Losers had to polar bear.

Fred and Berni - aren't they cute?

Wanted to bring her home with me so bad!

Not part of the Wunderli's but still awesome:)

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